Pensive Vivifier is an ensemble consisting of Janne Kosmos, Tes Wolters Bos and Silva Westera. Their practice is always expanding and incorporating new elements and disciplines to reflect on identity and transformation. Within their work, fluid movement, intuition and curiosity is guiding them to combine installations, video, music composition and more.
All that surrounds us can be part of their work, reflecting the fragmented and saturated world on our screens. They channel the excitement and anxiety, rawness and excess around us to create accelerated rhythms, loops, collages, and performances. Their sources are footage hijacked from TikTok, YouTube, PrnHb, books or from everyday life, without a distinction between high art and popular culture.
Commissioned project: KOSMOSE
For the upcoming edition of Freaky Dancing, artist Mamali Shafahi and performance collective Pensive Vivifier create an immersive multimedia performance named KOSMOSE.
Within this project, their art practices collide and influence each other, drawing inspiration from Shafahi’s Phantasmagoria sculptures and Pensive Vivifier’s thematics such as identity and transformation. Together they’re creating a new interdisciplinary work where show, performance, costumes, art installations and clubbing will fuse into a brand-new experience for themselves and the audience.
23rd of March